Monday 11 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time, the Exalted in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika at Crystal amnesty. Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding medicine bowl, went into Savatthi for alms. Venerable Rahula in the morning and robes, holding the bowl y, go behind Bhagavan. Then Bhagavan, after taking his eyes around, told Venerable Rahula:
- Hey Rahula, whatever of matter, past, future, present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior and superior, far or near, all material must be observed as the chief intellectual truth: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self.
- Buddha, is just outstanding only. Auspicious Bach, is just excellent and not others?
- The identity, this Rahula; whole life, this Rahula; the whole idea, this Rahula, the practice, the Rahula; and informal, this Rahula.
Then Venerable Rahula thought to myself: "Who can today be Exalted directly with all Catholic teaching world, can go to the village for alms? Then he came to that place away from closed back, sat down on a stump, dysentery-old, back straight, dwell front anniversary. Venerable Rahula The venerable Sariputta see sitting under a tree, dysentery-old, back straight, dwell front anniversary. After seeing this, he said to Venerable Rahula:
- Hey Rahula, please enter your cultivation practice ie ie manufacturing concept (concept of breathing, breathing out). This Rahula, practice breathing anniversary exhalation, make prolific, was a huge success, be of great benefit.
Venerable Rahula Then, in the afternoon, after the Meditation stood up, went over to the Exalted in, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, Venerable Rahula venerable sir:
- Buddha, reciting exhalation breathing is practice like? Make fullness, (the practice) how to get great results, great benefits?
- Hey Rahula, something belonging to the body internally, belonging to individuals, consistently hard, rough line, was clinging, such as hair, feathers, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach, feces and anything else, of the inner self, of personal, hard consistency, crude line, was clinging; so, this Rahula, called internal boundaries. What boundaries of internal and external boundaries of what belongs to the boundary. Boundaries that must be observed as the chief intellectual truth as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self is falling." After observing realistic boundaries with such intelligence chief, he being cover glass for boundaries, boundaries interest waiver.
This and Rahula, how gender is hydro? Having sex inland, with foreign aquatic world. This and Rahula, how gender is internal waters? Something of the internal body, personal belonging, of water, of liquid, is clinging, like bile, phlegm, mucus, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease skin, saliva, pus, water in the joints, urine, and anything else, of the inner self, of individuals, of water, of liquid, were clinging, so, this Rahula, called aqua world. What belongs and what gender inland waterway just outside world hydro gender belongs. Cards must be observed that world as chief intellectual truth as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." After lifelike aquatic world observe with such intelligence chief, he being presented cover glass for fish, aquatic center abandoned world.
This and Rahula, how gender is fire? There is the inner world, the world can exchange fire. This and Rahula, how is the inner world? What belongs to the body internally, belonging to individuals, under fire, under the hot substance, was clinging; What caused such heated, causing destruction, causing burning, what makes these animals are eating, drinking, chewing, tasting, can skillfully digestion, or all other things, of the internal body , of individuals, of fire, of the hot substance, was clinging; This Rahula, so-called burn-in instructions. Things of the inner world, and the things of the world belong to the fire exchange fire world. Fire instructions must be observed that as the chief intellectual truth as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." After observing fire-realistic world with such intelligence chief, he being on fire cover world cup, world interest waiver fire.
This and Rahula, how gender is customary. Interior style has sex, sex with foreign styles. This and Rahula, how gender is internal style? What belongs to the body internally, of individuals, of wind, of the dynamic nature, subject to clinging, as the wind blew up, and the wind down, the wind in the intestines, the wind in the lower abdomen, the wind blowing across the burning, the joints, slightly breathe in, breathing out, and anything else attached to the body internally, of individuals, of wind, of the dynamic nature, subject to clinging; This Rahula, so called internal style world. What style of interior world and the things of the world belong to the foreign style style world. Room had to be presented as true for the district to observe the following wisdom: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." After observing style realistic world with such intelligence chief, he being cover for style world cup, world attention renounce style.
This and Rahula, how gender is nowhere? There are internal world of nowhere, with nowhere external world. This and Rahula, how is the internal world of nowhere? What belongs to the body internally, of individuals, of vanity and emptiness of nothingness, is clinging, like ears, nostrils, mouth, swallowed by what people, what are chewing, drinking, being eating and tasting, and the spot where what is chewing, drinking, eating and drinking are retained, and passed by the place where what is chew, drink, eat and be expelled into the bottom to the outside, and anything else under the body internally, personal belonging, of nothingness, emptiness of nothingness, were clinging; This Rahula, so-called inner world of nowhere. Internal vain things of the world and what the world of foreign nowhere world belong nowhere. Nowhere did the world have to be observed as chief intellectual truth as follows: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self," After the realistic observation of nowhere intellectual world with the same district, he being cover for naught world cup, world interest waiver nowhere.
This Rahula, go to practice as land cultivation. This Rahula, practice by practice, such as land, the endearing touch, not endearing is started up, without holding heart, does not exist. This Rahula, such as throwing it on the ground net, no net throwing, throwing feces UE, throwing urine, spit, blood and toss toss pus; however land without anxiety, without wavering, or boring; also, this Rahula, go to practice as land. This Rahula, practice by practice, such as land, the endearing touch, not endearing is started up, without holding heart, does not exist.
This Rahula, just practice practice like water. This Rahula, practice by practice, such as water, the contact endearing, lovable not be started up, without holding the mind, does not exist. This Rahula, such as local people pure washing utensils, washing utensils not pure, clean feces disinfected and washed urine, saliva rinse, rinse pus, blood-washed; however reckless water, without wavering, not boring; also, this Rahula, go to practice the gathering as water ... (as above) ... does not exist.
This Rahula, just practice practice like fire. This Rahula, practice by practice like fire, the contact endearing, lovable not be started up, without holding the mind, does not exist. This Rahula, such as continence supplies fire, burning the furniture is not pure, unclean burning feces, urine burn, burning saliva, pus burning, burning blood; however reckless fire, without wavering, not boring; also, this Rahula, go practice practice like fire ... (as above) ... does not exist.
This Rahula, just practice practice like the wind. This Rahula, practice by practice as the wind, the endearing touch, not endearing is started up, without holding the mind, does not exist. This Rahula, as the wind blew the net map, the map is not pure blowing, blowing division UE, blowing urine, saliva blowing, blowing pus, blood blow, however the wind is not worried, not fluctuating, not boring; also, this Rahula, go to practice cultivation like the wind ... (as above) ... does not exist.
This Rahula, just practice practice like nowhere. This Rahula, practice by practice as unreal, the endearing touch, not endearing is started up, without holding the mind, does not exist. This Rahula, such as not being resident nowhere somewhere; also, this Rahula, be practiced as nowhere practice. This Rahula, practice by practice as unreal, the non-contact endearing endearing is started up, without holding the mind, does not exist.
This Rahula, please cultivate the practice of compassion. This Rahula, practice by practice of compassion, something of the field will be to eradicate heart. This Rahula, please cultivate the practice of compassion. This Rahula, practice by practice of compassion, something of interest will be to eradicate harmful. This Rahula, please cultivate the practice of joy. This Rahula, practice by practice of the wedding, nothing from any touch would be to eradicate. This Rahula, please cultivate the practice of discharge. This Rahula, practice by practice to discharge, something of interest will be to eradicate hatred. This Rahula, please cultivate the practice of impurities. This Rahula, practice by practice of impurity, lust is something belonging to eradicate. This Rahula, please cultivate the practice of impermanence. This Rahula, practice by practice of impermanence, something of conceit is to eradicate.
This Rahula, please cultivate the practice of the concept of breathing exhalation. This Rahula, from concept to practice breathing exhalation, make prolific, should be a huge success, be of great benefit. This and Rahula, how is practice breathing anniversary exhalation, making fullness should be a huge success, greater benefits? Here is Rahula, the monks went to the forest, go to the tree, or go to the empty house, and sat fetters-old, back straight and mindfulness front. Awareness, he inhale; awareness, he exhaled. Or a long inhalation, he knows: "I breathe in long '; or breathing out long, he said, "I breathe out long '; or a short inhalation, he knows: "I breathe in short '; or breathing out short, he knows: 'I breathe out short. " "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe in," he set. "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe out," he set. "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe in," he set. "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling of joy life, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of joy life, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling of pleasures, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of pleasures, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling of mental formations (Cittasankhara), I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of mental formations, I shall breathe out," he set. "An meditation practice, I will breathe in," he set. "An meditation practice, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling in mind, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling in mind, I will breathe out", he set. "With a joyful heart, I will breathe in," he set. "With a joyful heart, I will breathe out, he set. "With a calm mind, I will breathe in," he set. "With a calm mind, I will breathe out, he set. "With freedom of mind, I will breathe in," he set. "With freedom of mind, I will breathe out", he set. "Quan impermanence, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan impermanence, I will breathe out", he set. "Dispassion shop, I will breathe in," he set. "Dispassion shop, I will breathe out", he set. "Quan annihilated, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan annihilated, I will breathe out", he sets, "Quan abandoned, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set. Concept to practice breathing exhalation so, this Rahula, makes such fullness, with great results, with great benefit. This Rahula, practice breathing concepts such exhalation, making such fullness, the time when the breathing, breathing an ultimatum ended, evidence is enlightened, not be enlightened.
Exalted such preaching. Venerable Rahula credit joyful life Bhagavan taught words.

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