Sunday 3 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time in the middle of the public Exalted Anga (Central-old), in a hamlet of Anga people, named Assapura. At that time the Blessed One called the monks:
- Hey, monks.
- Buddha.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
- Salmone! Salmone! This, monks, the people know that he is. And if he had been asked, "Who are you!" He had to get the "We are recluses." This, monks, the name he was so, was claiming to be the case, this, monks, and he had to practice as follows: "The Career disciplines worthy recluses, we will practice his teachings. Thus this name of our new self-righteous and we recognize this as truth. And offering things that we enjoy life robes, alms food, couch, drug treatment results are great, great benefit to us. And we ordained not useless, with the result that performance. "
This, monks, the monks how to practice these disciplines do not deserve to rank recluses? This, monks, for the monks have sexual greed and greed is not eradicated, there is anger and hatred have not been eradicated, have mind and heart indignant outrage not be eradicated, centered hatred and hatred is not eradicated, centered false and insincerity is not eradicated, mind and heart brain damage brain damage is not eradicated, there is jealousy and jealousy are not comfortable passage Removal, with the mind and heart bright bright not been eradicated, have mind and heart fraudulent falsification is not eradicated, cunning mind and heart are cunning not eradicated, mind and heart craving craving not be annihilated, there is wrong view and not be annihilated. This, monks, I say, if he does not practice the teachings worthy recluses level, can not be eradicated by the defilements for recluses, the defect for recluses, the error mistaken for recluses, living in deprivation of the oppressed, the head of the beast life. This, monks, for such a dangerous weapon with two blades mataja name very sharp, which can be put in the back and a sack. Also, this, monks, I say the renunciation of his monks as such.
This, monks, I am not saying that's unfortunate recluse carries a medical college (Sanghati) only bring higher depending on y. This, monks, I did not say that the unfortunate recluse of a nude naked just depend on. This, monks, I did not say that the unfortunate recluse living a dab of dirt and dust depending on the well apply only dust and soil. This, monks, I did not say that the actions of a recluse who lived only bathing ritual depending on the bathing ritual. This, monks, I did not say that the actions of a recluse who lived under the tree only depends on the well live under a tree. This, monks, I did not say that the actions of a recluse outdoor live depending only on well-outdoor living. This, monks, I am not saying that's unfortunate recluse cultivating upright depending on the well just straightened. This, monks, I did not say that the unfortunate recluse of a regular diet can only depend on regular eating well. This, monks, I am not saying that's unfortunate recluse living under a technical note only live up to conduct a technical note. This, monks, I am not saying that's unfortunate recluse hair braided're happy just depending on hair braiding.
This, monks, if the greed of people who have heart desires are eradicated only by bringing great happiness of the people brought great health care, if the anger of the people has been eradicated dosa, if resentment of the people wrathful mind was annihilated, if hearts of people with heart ethnical ethnical hatred hatred is eradicated, if the insincerity of the false mind is eradicated, if the hearts of people with heart brain damage brain damage was eradicated, if the heart's jealousy has been extreme jealousy kill, if the heart of the person brighter bright center is eradicated, if the heart's fraudulent falsification is centered cessation, if hearts of people with heart treacherous treacherously be eradicated, if the heart of the person craving craving attention be eradicated, if the wrong people have been eradicated wrong view, (just ask bring great happiness of bringing modern medical care), then the friendship relatives, relatives by blood and can cause a person to bring modern medicine as soon as he is born, and it is recommended that people wear contemporary as follows: "Hey baby sage, take great care, if modern medicine brought her heart greed of people with heart desires, will be annihilated, there's anger will be eradicated dosa, insincerity of heart lie people will be annihilated, hearts of people with heart brain damage brain damage will be annihilated, heart jealousy jealousy of people will be annihilated, heart of the person brighter bright mind will be annihilated, please fraudulent falsification of mind will be annihilated, cunning of heart whose cunning mind will be annihilated, hearts of people craving craving mind will be annihilated, evil is the wrong person will be eradicated only by bringing modern medicine. "This, monks, because I saw someone carrying medical college but still craving attention, there is anger, indignation centered, false mind, brain damage centered, with jealousy, with heart bright, fraudulent centered, cunning mind, craving mind, wrong mind, so I do not say that's unfortunate recluse whose only desire to bring great happiness depends on the health of him. This, monks, if the greed of people who have heart desires is eradicated only because of the well-nude naked ... just rub dirt and dust thanks to the well of the live well rub dirt and dust ... only through well-bathing rituals of people living under the bathing ritual unfortunate ... just happy to live under a tree by the people who live under a tree ... just happy living outdoors because of the outdoor life ... just thanks virtues of living life straightened upright ... well just by eating regular meals of the people living there ... only through periodic follow him happy life of the living arts ... this according to a technical note monks, if the greed of people with heart desires happiness only through cessation of hair braided hair braided live well; if the anger of the people with anger ... (as above) ..., if the wrong people have been eradicated wrong (just ask the people who live under the almond almond braided hair), these charming friends belonging, the same blood relatives can raise him as soon as he braided hair newborn, and advised that hair braided like this: "Hey baby sage, make braided hair; if hair is braided indulgence of lust whose mind will be annihilated, hatred of people with anger ... if the wrong people have wrong views will be eradicated, just by living under unfortunate hair braided " . This, monks, because I saw someone under the almond braided hair but still craving attention, with anger, with indignation heart, with heart lies, with mind brain damage, there is jealousy, there is interest bright, fraudulent centered, cunning mind, craving mind, there is wrong, so I do not say that's unfortunate recluse cultivating braided hair braided just depends on the happiness he's hair.
This, monks, the monks how to practice the method steps worthy recluses? This, monks, for the monks have sexual greed and greed is eradicated, there is aversion and hatred have been eradicated, with mind and heart indignant outrage were annihilated, with ethnical hatred Center anger and hostility were annihilated heart, mind and heart false false is eradicated, have heart and brain damage brain damage heart is eradicated, there is jealousy and jealousy are eradicated heart, mind and heart bright xan and be annihilated, with the mind and heart fraudulent fraudulent been eradicated, with cunning mind and heart are cunning cessation, with mind and heart craving craving are eradicated, there is wrong and wrong is paragraph ... Hey kill monks, I say, if he practices the disciplines worthy recluses level, it may be the cessation of defilements for recluses, the defect for Salmone , the faults for recluses, living in deprivation fall, the head of the beast life. He sees the self is cleanse all evil, immoral and he should approach the self is freed. Because the self is seen cleanse all evil, immoral law that, due to see the self is freed up the joy of birth; due Hy birth center should rejoice; due Hy should be calm yourself; relative calm due to birth pleasures; by pleasures should be calm mind. He abides with a mind turned the question meets a friendly word, too, the second well, the third well, the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides with heart complications of chronic sentence with the word organic, boundless generosity, not revenge is not golf. With the organic mind with compassion ... (as above) ... with organic heart with joy ... the dwell, please turn to mind the question a friendly against discharge, so the Monday, Tuesday and so the , likewise the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides variation with organic content with the heart flush, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger. This, monks, compared to a lotus pond with clear water, fresh water, cooling water, water in the morning, have cleverly arranged lake shore, beautiful. If someone from the East to go to, was the overwhelming heat, the heat being tortured, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst. He went to the lotus pond that disarmament and disarmament thirsty hot. If someone from the West to go to ... if someone from the North go to, if someone from the South go, if anyone from anywhere to go to, was overwhelmingly hot, hot operating equipment lower, fatigue, dry mouth, bitter mouth, thirst, he went to his lotus pond, thirsty disarmament, disarmament hot. Also, this, monks, if someone from the family seat of the monastic empire Sat, abandoned the family, not family life, he went to law preached by the Tathagata, after the practice of love, compassion , joy, equanimity, inner being calm ... We say that it is by inner calm, he practiced the method steps worthy recluses. If your family was Brahmin ... from family Phệ amnesty (Vessa) ... from families Prime momentum (Sudda), renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, he went legislation to preach by the Tathagata, after the practice of love, compassion, joy, equanimity, inner being calm ... We say that it is by inner calm, he practiced the method steps deserve Sa -nose. If the glass substrate Police family, abandoned the family left home, no family life, after going to law preached by the Tathagata, thanks rid of cankers, he even in the present, for themselves tri , enlightened and successful ways of the mind liberated, liberating insight. He a recluse because of cessation of defilements. If the family Brahmin family ... words ... from the family residence Phệ Prime momentum, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, after going to law preached by the Tathagata thanks rid of cankers, he even in the present, for themselves intellectual, enlightened and successful ways of the mind liberated, liberating insight, he a recluse because of cessation of defilements.

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