Friday 1 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
The Exalted One at Rajagaha (Rajagrha), Mountain Gijjhakuta (Vulture), when Devadatta (Devadatta) abandon (We increase) to leave soon. Here's the Devadatta, Bhagavan to call the monks and taught as follows:
- Here, the monks, Good men have ordained death by faith, abandoned the family, not family life: "I was immersed in birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain, sunk in misery, driven by misery. Very likely, the entire mass of ill may be terminated. " He ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame.
Because avaricious, reverence, this fame, he joy, contentment. Because avaricious, reverence, this fame, he complimented her, belittle people: "We are so avaricious, so fame. Monks also other lesser known, less powerful ". He, as avaricious and honor, fame, becoming a passion, craving, restlessness. Because life distractions, he is suffering. Chu, monks, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, tree feeling ignored, ignored mantle, outer bypass, cut foliage, take them away, that is the core idea that tree. A person with eyes saw it they said: "Truly this man did not know the tree cores, tree sensory not know, do not know the inner shell, the outer shell does not know, do not know the foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, tree-core people ignore, ignore sensory plants, ignoring mantle, outer bypass, cut foliage, take them away, that is the core idea that tree. And people do not achieve the purpose for which the tree cores can achieve. " Likewise, here, this, monks, Good men have ordained death for faith, abandoned the family, not family life: "I was immersed in birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress is dominated by suffering. We can all aggregates suffering can end. " He ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. Because avaricious, reverence, this fame, he happy, smug. Because avaricious, reverence, this fame, he complimented her, belittle people: "We are so avaricious, so fame, And other monks lesser known, less powerful". He so avaricious, veneration, fame, becoming a passion, craving, restlessness. Because life distractions, he is suffering. Chu, monks, monks have him called to embrace the virtues of foliage, as a result, he has stopped (here). But here, this, monks, devotees taste death for faith-home, abandoned the family, not family life: "I was immersed in birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief brain, sunk in misery, driven by misery. We can all aggregates suffering can end. " Then he ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He is not so avaricious, reverence, his fame compliment this, damn him. He is not so avaricious, reverence, honor became a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished virtue. Due to this moral achievement, he happy, smug. Do achievement, this virtue, he criticized people compliment her: "I am the morality, according to dhamma. Other monks broke gender, according to the legal evil ". Due to this moral achievement, he became a passion, craving, restlessness. Because life distractions, he is suffering. Chu, monks, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, tree feeling ignored, ignored in the shell, tight outer shell, take them away, that is the core idea of ​​the tree . A person with eyes saw it they said: "Truly this man did not know the tree cores, tree sensory not know, do not know the inner shell, the outer shell does not know, do not know the foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, core people ignore the tree, the tree feeling ignored, ignored in the shell, tight outer shell, take them away, that is the core idea of ​​the tree . And people do not achieve the purpose for which the tree cores can achieve. " Also, this, monks, here monks ordained as trust, abandoned the family, not family life ... (as above) ... Due to this moral achievement, he became a passion, craving, restlessness. Because life distractions, he is suffering. Chu, monks, monks have him called to embrace the outside of dignity. And so, he has to stop (here).
But here, this, monks, Good men have ordained death for faith, abandoned the family, not family life: "I was immersed in the cycle of birth, old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain priority, brain, sunk in misery, driven by misery. Very likely this entire mass of ill may be terminated. " Then he ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He is not so avaricious, reverence, this fame, give me, belittle people. He is not so avaricious, reverence, honor became a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished virtue. Due to this moral achievement, he happy, but not cocky. Due to this moral achievement, he did not compliment her, belittle people. Due to this moral achievement, he did not become a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished meditation. Do this meditation accomplishment, he happy, smug. Do this meditation accomplishment, he criticized people compliment her: "We have the best meditation center. Other monks no meditation, the mind distracted. " Do this meditation achievements, he became a passion, craving, restlessness. Because life distractions, he is suffering. Chu, monks, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, with wood pulp and wood pulp ignore him, ignore sensory plants, cut peel in, take them away, that is the core idea of ​​the tree. A person with eyes saw it, they said, "Truly this man did not know the tree cores, tree senses do not know, do not know the inner shell, the outer shell does not know, do not know the foliage. The man wanted the tree core, seek core tree. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree with tree cores, tree core people ignore, ignore sensory trees, tight mantle, carried away, which is the core idea of ​​the tree. And people do not achieve the purpose for which the plant can achieve the core. " Also, this, monks, here monks ordained as trust, abandoned the family, not family life ... (as above) ... Do this meditation achievements, he became a passion, craving, restlessness. Because life distractions, he is suffering. Chu, monks, so he called the monks was held in the holy shell. And so, he has to stop (here).
Again, here, a man can have compassion, for faith-home, abandoned the family, not family life: "I was immersed in the cycle of birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain, sunk in misery, driven by misery. We can all aggregates suffering can end. " He ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He is not so avaricious, reverence, honor this happy, smug. He is not so avaricious, reverence, this fame, give me, belittle people. He is not so avaricious, reverence, honor became a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished virtue. Because moral achievements, he happy, but not cocky. He did not because this moral achievement compliment her, belittle people. He did not because this moral achievement became a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished meditation. He accomplished by this meditation should be happy, but not cocky. He did not because this achievement commended his meditation, belittle people. He is not as accomplished meditation becomes a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished knowledge, because knowledge he is, happy, self-satisfied. He by this knowledge, give yourself, blame him. "I live, see and know. Other monks, who have not seen and do not know ". He, by this knowledge, became a passion, craving, restlessness. Because he lived distraction suffering. Chu, monks, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, cut the tree feeling carried away, which is the core idea of ​​the tree. A person with eyes saw it they said: "Truly this man did not know the tree cores, tree sensory not know, do not know the inner shell, the outer shell does not know, do not know the foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. Before a large tree, upright, tree core, he ignored the core tree, cut the tree and left feeling, that is the core idea of ​​the tree. And he does not achieve the purpose for which the plant can achieve core. Also, this, monks, here, a man can have compassion, for faith-home, abandoned the family, not family life ... This person, because this should be a passion for knowledge, passion, reporter land. Because life distractions, this position is painful. Chu, monks, so this position was held called sense of the holy tree. And so, he has to stop (here). "
Again, here, this, monks, is located south Compassion death, because faith ordained, abandoned the family, not family life: "I was immersed in the cycle of birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation , pain, grief, brain, sunk in misery, driven by misery. We can all aggregates suffering can end. " He ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He is not so avaricious, reverence, honor this happy, smug. He is not so avaricious, reverence, his fame compliment this, damn him. He is not so avaricious, reverence, honor became a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished virtue. Because moral achievements, he happy but not cocky. He did not because this moral achievement compliment her, belittle people. He did not because this moral achievement became a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished meditation, he accomplished by this meditation, happy but not cocky. He did not because this achievement commended his meditation, belittle people. He is not so accomplished meditation becomes a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished knowledge. Due to the achievement of this knowledge, he happy but not cocky. He did not because this achievement compliments her knowledge and disparage people. Because he did not achieve this knowledge becomes a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished the liberation. This, monks, the situation may occur, monks he could abandon the liberation.
This, monks, for such a person wants to be the core tree, seek the tree core. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, core tight tree person, carried away and know it's core plant. One who has seen such eyes, we can say: "This person said core plant, said plant sense, said mantle, said outer shell, said foliage. This person wants to be the core of trees, tree core sought. In their search for wood pulp, in front of a large tree, upright, tree core, core tight tree person, carried away and know it's core auto plant. And he achieved the purpose for which the plant can perform core ". Also, this, monks, here an electronic Good men, because trust renunciation, leaving home, no family life: "I was immersed in birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief , brain, sunk in misery, is dominated by suffering. Very likely, this entire mass of ill may be terminated ". He ordained as such, are avaricious and honor, fame. He is not so avaricious, reverence, honor this happy, smug. He is not so avaricious, reverence, his fame compliment this, damn him. He is not so avaricious, reverence, honor became a passion, craving, restlessness. Because life is not spontaneous. He moral achievements. He by this moral achievement but not complacent joy. He, not this moral achievement by merit alone, damn him. He did not because this moral achievement became a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished meditation. He accomplished by meditation should be happy, but not cocky. He did not because this achievement commended his meditation, belittle people. He is not accomplished by this meditation becomes a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he accomplished knowledge. He accomplished because this knowledge should be happy, but not cocky. He did not because this achievement compliments her knowledge and disparage people. Because he did not achieve this knowledge becomes a passion, craving, restlessness. Do not heedless life, he achieved liberation timeless. This monks, monks, the situation can not happen, that monks can abandon this non-temporal liberation.
Thus, the monks, this dignity is not for the benefit, avaricious, fame, not for the sake of moral achievement, not for the benefit of meditation accomplishment, not for the sake tri is. And this, monks, freed estate center is the purpose of this dignity, the tree core, is the ultimate goal of dignity.
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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