Friday 1 April 2016


I heard something like this:
Exalted One time in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden, (Grant-she-toxic). Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl y into Savatthi for alms. There are a large number of monks came to Venerable Ananda in, after arriving, told Venerable Ananda:
- Sage, has long we have not been in person to hear the sermon Bhagavan. You instead, Sage Ananda, if we are to take the Exalted heard the sermon!
- The Venerable go towards Brahmin Rammaka in, and will be put to the venerable Bhagavan heard the sermon.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did Venerable Ananda replied yes. Then Bhagavan, alms in Savatthi finished, after meals on the road begging to return, the Venerable Ananda call:
- Hey Ananda, let us go to Pubbarama (East Park), home of Migaramatu floor (Lecture Hall Loc Form) for lunch!
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Then Bhagavan with Venerable Ananda went to Pubbarama garden, house of Migaramatu upstairs to take a nap. Exalted in the afternoon from Meditation stood up, called Venerable Ananda:
- Hey Ananda, let us go to Pubbakotthaka to wash your hands, wash your feet.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Then Bhagavan with Venerable Ananda went to Pubbakotthaka to wash your hands, wash your feet. After washing your hands, wash your feet in Pubbalotthaka finished, Bhagavan climb standing on the shore, up a medical panel, exposed arms and legs dry. Then Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, refined interior of the Brahmin Rammaka not far; venerable sir, the net loss of Brahmin Rammaka is endearing; venerable sir, the net loss of Brahmin Rammaka is pleasurable; lord, heal rather, if Bhagavan because compassion go to the net loss of Brahmin Rammaka!
Bhagavan quietly accepted. Then Bhagavan went to the net loss of Brahmin Rammaka. At that time, a large number of monks were gathered in the net loss of Brahmin Rammaka to the sermon. Bhagavan waited outside the door until the sermon is finished. Bhagavan said the sermon was finished, immediately coughed and knocked on the door bar. Monks was open to Bhagavan. Then Bhagavan entered the net loss of Brahmin and sat on the seat Rammaka was drafted. Once seated, the Blessed One called the monks:
- Hey, monks, the Meeting The goals of this problem? And what story between The interruption?
- Buddha, the story between us belong to Bhagavan and his story is interrupted when Bhagavan came.
- Hey, monks, Protestant replaced when the death of The Good men, for faith-home, abandoned the family, not family life, together with Meeting to Dhamma discussion. This, monks, when the meeting with each person, there are two things to do: keep the discussion or religion saint silence.
This, monks, there are two views of this bridge: Bridge St. Bridge and St. fees. Chu, monks, and how the non-saints? Here, the monks, who themselves have been born again seek the being born, being old myself again seek the aging, ill herself ... herself ... himself was killed grief ... contaminated himself to seek the contamination. This, monks, what according to him was being called? This, monks, wives and children are being born; male servant, being born female servants; goats and sheep are being born; chickens and pigs are being born; elephants, cows, horses, bulls, mares are being born; Gold and silver are being born. This, monks, he was clinging to the birth, and held him back, passion, passion for them, himself born again to seek what was being born. And this, monks, what according to him was called old? This, monks, wives and children to be old; male servants, female servants are aging; goats and sheep are aging; Chicken and pork are aging; elephant, cow, stallion, mare is aging; Gold and silver are aging. This, monks, the attachment that is aging, and held him back, passion, passion for them, on their own to seek what is old is old. And this, monks, according to the caller what is sick? This, monks, his wife and children are sick; male servants, female servants are ill; goats and sheep is sick; Chicken and pork are sick; elephant, cow, stallion, mare is sick. This, monks, the attachment was infected, and he again held passion, a passion for them, myself sick again sought the sick. And this, monks, what the person said to be dead? This, monks, killed his wife and children; male servants, female servants are dead; goats and sheep are killed; chickens and pigs are killed; elephant, cow, stallion, mare was killed. This, monks, the attachment was killed, and he again held, passion, passion for them, killed himself to seek the death. And this, monks, what according to him is called grief? This, monks, wives and children to be depressed; male servants, female servants are being depressed; goats and sheep are being melancholy, chickens and pigs to be sad; elephant, cow, stallion, mare is being depressed. This, monks, the attachment that is being depressed, and held him back, passion, a passion they, themselves seek to be sad sad sack. And this, monks, something under the Callers are contaminated? This, monks, is contaminated his wife and children; male servants, female servants are contaminated; goats and sheep are contaminated; chicken and pork is contaminated; elephant, cow, stallion, mare is contaminated; Gold and silver are contaminated. And this, monks, attachments that are contaminated, and he again held, passion, passion for them, on their own to seek contaminated contaminated ones. This, monks, so called non-saints.
And this, monks, are the saints? Here, the monks, who himself was born there, after getting to know the dangers of being born, seek the unborn, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana; himself was old, after getting to know the dangers of being old, seek what is not old, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana; yourself sick ... sick ... so not killed himself ... the immortal ... himself was not sad ... sad ... so polluted themselves after realizing what dangers of pollution, seek the pollution, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana. This, monks, thus, called St. bridge.
This, monks, I, too, before the Enlightenment, the Enlightenment without evidence, as a Bodhisattva, himself being born again seek the being born, being old myself, to seek what was elderly, sick myself ... myself ... killed himself was depressed "... contaminated yourself again seek the contamination. This, monks, and I think as follows: "Why Me, myself being born again seek the being born, being old myself ... (as above) ... yourself to find bi pollution bridge the contaminated? So I, myself was born, after getting to know the dangers of being born, look for what is not being supreme demand peace from suffering, Nirvana; themselves are not old ... old ... the sick ... myself ... myself the disease is not dying ... the immortal ... yourself ... so do not be sad melancholy. .. contaminated themselves, after getting to know the dangers of the infection, look for the non-pollution requirements, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana.
This then, monks, after a while, when I was young, teenage, black hair, full of youth blood gas, life in the golden age, although parents are not satisfied, tears full face, wailing, I shaved, covering robe-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. So we left home, someone's going to something good press, seek the exalted supreme peace path. Alara Kalama I came to stay, when to finish with Alara Kalama began to say: "Sage Kalama, I want to live in dignity, this law". This, monks, are told that, Alara Kalama said to me: "This venerable, live (and dwell). This is so, that those who have the mind, not long as your taste Duty counsel (taught), self-knowing, self-certification, self-fulfilled and dwell ". This, monks, and soon I was her legal unobstructed fastly. And this, monks, to environmental issues and problems brandishing spokesman speaking, when I speak of those teachings and doctrines position of Elders (Ven), and I assume that I am like others too, I know and I see. This, monks, I think as follows: "Alara Kalama claims this is not only because of faith:" After the self-knowing, self-certified, self-gain, I am new to dwell ". Alara Kalama certainly know this approach, see this approach then residing ". This, monks, and then I went to Alara Kalama in place, after I told Alara Kalama to: "Sage Kalama, to what extent, his self-consciousness, self-certified, self-gain, and this legal statement ? "this, monks, is say, Alara Kalama statement on origin naught. This then, monks, I thought: 'Not only Alara Kalama have faith, I also have confidence. Alara Kalama Not only are diligent, we have also diligently. Alara Kalama Not only new concept, I also thought. Alara Kalama not only new regulations, we have also specified. Alara Kalama not only new knowledge, I also insight. So I try to be legal proof that Alara Kalama declares: "After the self-knowing, self-certified, self-gain, I take refuge." This then, monks, not long after the self-knowing, self-certification, he himself reached fastly law, I take refuge. This then, monks, I come to Alara Kalama in, after arriving, I say to Alara Kalama: "Hey Sage Kalama, there must have self-knowing sage, insight, self-fulfilled and this legal claim to such a degree? "-" Well, Sage, I have self-knowledge, self-certification, self-fulfilled and this legal claim to such a degree. " - "Hey Sage, I also self-knowledge, self-certification, self-fulfilled and this legal claim to such a degree." - "It benefits our behalf, Really smart replacement benefits for us, as we can see such a venerable of dignity! France which I self-knowing, self-certified, self-gain, and claims, the self-knowing sage was legal, insight, self-gain and dwell; that self-knowing sage legal, insight, and dwell self gain, self-righteous that I tri, self gain insight and claims; I know the law, the law said that Sage; Sage said that approach, the approach that I know. I'm like, Sage is so; How sage, I'm so. Come now, Sage, let's take care of the two congregations of this! "So this, monks, Alara Kalama is my guru, to book me, he's disciples by his peers, and worship Me with supreme devotion. This, monks, and I think for yourself: "France is not directed to cover glass, not towards dispassion, not toward annihilation, not toward peace, not toward the upper position, not towards enlightenment , not toward Nirvana, which only leads to the attainment of Unknown origin of ownership. " Thus the monks, I do not revere this law, and gave up his law, I walked away.
This then, monks, I, who seek something good press, seek the exalted supreme peace path. I come to Uddaka Ramaputta, when finished I told Uddaka Ramaputta: "Sage, I want to live the virtues of this law. Being said that, this, monks, Uddaka Ramaputta told me: "This venerable, live (and dwell), this method is thus that person to your place soon as his Duty counsel (only teaching) self-knowledge, self-certification, self-fulfilled and dwell ". This, monks, I was informed that during the approach fastly. And this, monks, to environmental issues and problems brandishing spokesman speaking, when I say the teachings of the wise man, and the teachings of the Elders (Ven), and I assume that I like people More so, I know and I see. This, monks, I think as follows: "Rama declared this law not because of faith:" After the self-knowing, self-certified, self-gain, new I dwell. " It certainly see Rama, said this method, then residing ". This, monks, then I come to Uddaka Ramaputta in, after arriving I told Uddaka Ramaputta: "Sage Rama, to some extent, his self-consciousness, self-certification, self-fulfilled and declared this legal? "Hey listen, monks say, Uddaka Ramaputta statement ideal non-perception Africa. This then, monks, I thought: 'Not only the new Rama faith. I also have faith. Not only Rama are diligent, we have also diligently. Not only the new Rama anniversary, I also thought. Not only has the new Rama, I also specified. Not only are mental Rama, I also insight. So let's try to be legal proof that Rama declared: "After the self-knowing, self-certified, self-gain, self-dwell". This then, monks, not long after the self-knowing, self-certification, he himself reached fastly law, I take refuge. This then, monks, I come to Uddaka Ramaputta in, after arriving, I told Uddaka Ramaputta: "Hey Sage Rama, there must have self-knowing sage, insight, self-fulfilled and this legal claim to such a degree? "-" Well Sage, I have self-knowledge, self-certification, self-fulfilled and this legal claim to such a degree. " - "Hey Sage, I also have self-knowledge, self-certification, self-fulfilled and this legal claim to such a degree." It benefits our behalf! It's rather clever for our benefit, when we see such a venerable of dignity! French I, self-knowledge proof, self-gain and claims, the law was self-knowing sage, insight, self-gain and dwell; that self-knowing sage legal, insight, and dwell self gain, self-righteous that I tri, insight, self-gain and claims; I know the law, the law said that Sage; Sage said that approach, the approach that I know. I'm like, Sage is so; How sage, I am so. Come now, Sage, let's take care of the two congregations of this! "So this, monks, Uddaka Ramaputta is my guru, to book me, he's disciples by his peers, and worship Me with supreme devotion. This, monks, and then I thought: "France is not directed to cover glass, not towards dispassion, not toward annihilation, not toward peace, not toward the upper position, not towards enlightenment, not toward Nirvana, which only leads to the attainment of ideal non-perception Africa ". Thus, the monks, I not honor him and renounce legal measures that, I left.
This, monks, I, who seek something even good, seek peace supreme supreme path, traveled in the country sequentially Magadha (Magadha) and came in touch Uruvela convergence (long frequency speakers Pros ). Here, I found an endearing place, a nice forest clusters, with the river flowing nearly transparent, with a fording place easily lovable, and surrounding villages surrounded easily go begging. This, monks, and then I thought to myself: "What an endearing place, a nice forest clusters, with the river flowing nearly transparent, with a fording place easily lovable, and surrounding villages surrounded easily go begging. It is a place large enough to include a mail Good men can ardent earnest effort ". And this, monks, I sat down and thought her site: "It is enough to be diligent."
This then, monks, I was born himself, after getting to know the dangers of being born female, seek the unproductive, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana and has proven to be so unproductive , supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana; himself was old, after getting to know the dangers of the old equipment, seek what is not old, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana; and has proven to be the non-elderly, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana; sick themselves, after getting to know the dangers of the disease, not the disease sought, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana and have not attained the disease, supreme peace from the pain yoke, Nirvana; killed herself, after getting to know the dangers of the dead, so do not seek death, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana and has proven to be something not die, supreme peace from the pain yoke, Nirvana; himself was depressed, after getting to know the dangers of what is sorrow, grief does not seek one, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana and has proven to be so very sad, supreme peace from the pain yoke, Nirvana; contaminated themselves, after getting to know the dangers of the pollution, sought the unpolluted, supreme peace from suffering, Nirvana and proved to be the pollution, supreme peace, from suffering, Nirvana. And location and is aroused in me. My salvation is not swayed. This is my last life, no more rebirth.
This, monks, and I think as follows: "We attained by France, it is deep, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, noble, super reasoning, subtle, wise man understands only brass. This is also popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving. For the popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving, it is difficult to see Idapaccayata paticcasamuppàda theorem (Nature Medicine Origination France); it's hard to see this event; ie the only net operating all, the birth abolish all medical and anti-craving, dispassion, cessation, Nibbana. If now I preach that the others do not understand me, so it's time for my suffering, so it's frustrating for me! "This, monks, then the shelf is inconceivable, never before heard, was started up in me:
Why I say the Dharma,
Difficult realizations?
Those who also took the field,
It's hard realization.
Going against the current, profound,
Subtle, subtle,
Ke attachment ignorance,
Do not see this law.
This then, monks, with such thoughts, my heart toward passive inaction, do not want to preach. This, monks, then the Brahma Sahampati know my heart; with your mind, immediately thought: "Alas, the world will be destroyed, the world would be fatal damage, if the mind of the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment unconditioned toward passive, do not want to preach. " This then, monks, Brahma Sahampati, as an athlete stretching arms is shrinking, or co arms outstretched; also, he disappeared from the Brahma world, and appeared before Me. This, monks, and Brahma Sahampati upper robe covering his hands towards one shoulder and said to me I vow: "Buddha, please sermon! White Auspicious, let the sermon! They are beings less contaminated dust will be hazardous if not heard the Dharma. (If you are listening to), these people can dig out the dharma ". This, monks, Brahma Sahampati said. After saying this, add the following to say:
In ancient Magadha,
Legal out impurities,
French defilements from the mind,
Effects due to reflections.
Open came to expand,
Timeless door.
Let them hear French,
Tier Pure Realization.
Like standing on a rock,
On top of the mountain (extreme high)
Some people looked down on,
Crowd being gathered.
Likewise, oh Thien Tue,
Variable Label Career extensively,
Climb the castle throne,
Built by the Dharma
Exit Level Ly melancholy,
Looking down the pants crowd birth,
Being oppressive sorrow,
Being born old dominant,
Heroes stand up,
Career Victory battlefield.
The leader or the traveler,
Exit Level Ly debt.
Go into all the world,
Exalted Career Enlightenment!
Be subtle legal theories,
Listeners will break out!
This, monks, after knowing the words Brahma requested, out of compassion for all beings, with Buddha eyes, I looked around the world. This, monks, the Buddhist label, I saw less dust classes of life, a lot of dust contamination, ranked benefit grounds, padded base, ranked wholesomeness, evil nature, ranked docile, stubborn, and some see the danger to other world reborn and danger makes the mistake of action. As in the lake blue lotus, pink lotus pond or lake with some white lotus blue lotus, red lotus, white lotus or water born, grew up in the water, do not pass out of the water, underwater nourished. There is a blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water born, grew up in the water, rise to the surface alive. There are a number of blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water born, grew up in the water, rise up out of the water, the water being wet. Also, the monks, the Buddhist label, I saw less dust classes of life, many street infection, ranked benefit grounds, padded base, ranked wholesomeness, evil nature, with docile class hard teach, and few saw the danger to other world reborn and danger makes the mistake of action. And this, monks, I say the following verse with Brahma Sahampati:
Doors open immortal,
For those who listen.
Give up faith,
His inaccurate.
Self thought of nuisance,
I did not want to preach,
The supreme law of magic,
The species between beings.
(Oh Brahma)
This, monks, Brahma Sahampati then thought to himself: "I have a chance for Bhagavan sermon," I pay homage, the organic body direction (for me) and then disappeared in place.
This, monks, and I think for yourself, "I will preach to the first one, one will quickly understand this Dhamma? This, monks, and then I thought to myself: "Now there Alara Kalama is wise, multiculturalism, wisely, has long life lived less dust. Let's first sermon to Alara Kalama, you will quickly understand this Dhamma ". This, monks, then the gods to me and say: "Buddha, Alara Kalama had seven days and shared destiny." Then my knowledge arises where "Alara Kalama had seven days and shared destiny." This, monks, I thought: "What a great damage to Alara Kalama: If you listen to this law, Alara Kalama will quickly break out". This then, monks, I thought: "I will preach to the first one? Who will quickly understand this Dhamma? This then, monks, I thought: "Now there is the degree of knowledge Uddaka Ramaputta, multiculturalism, wisely, has long life lived less dust. Let us first sermon Uddaka Ramaputta. You will quickly understand this Dhamma. "Then the gods to me and say:" O Bhagavan has shared destiny Uddaka Ramaputta yesterday ". Then arises where Ta knowledge "shared destiny Uddaka Ramaputta was yesterday." This, monks, I thought: "What a great damage to Uddaka Ramaputta. If you listen to this law, will quickly penetrate Uddaka Ramaputta understand ". This, monks, and then I thought: "I will preach to the first one? Who will quickly understand this Dhamma? "And this, monks, I thought:" This group of five monks had stood before me when I was ardent efforts, the group was so much help. So let's first sermon to the group of five monks! "And this, monks, I thought:" Now the group of five monks at where? "This, monks, with ultra pure divine eye human, I saw a group of five monks at Baranasi (Benares), at Isipatana, Deer park. This then, monks, after staying at Uruvela long until contentment, I set out to Baranasi.
This, monks, a pagan deviant named Upaka network, have seen me when I was walking on the road between Gaya and the Bodhi tree.
After the show, he told me:
"- The basis of really wise sage. Sage's skin color pure truth, pure truth. This sage, for what purpose, Sage ordained? Who are masters of Sage? Sage joy legal life over someone? "
This, monks, when they heard that, I said to deviant religion Upaka network following verse:
"- I, Career Win all,
I, grade Necessarily.
All legal, non-infected,
All legal, detachment.
I live legs freed,
Annihilation of all desire.
So I voluntarily,
And he only had one?
I have no master,
Career as I do not have.
Between the world Nhon, God,
No one with me.
Arhat in the world rank,
Supreme masters.
Enlightenment themselves,
I calm, serene.
To turn the wheel of Dharma.
I have come to Kasi.
Drums sound the immortal,
In the world of blindness.
"- As already claiming Sage, Sage deserves Infinite Career Wins.
"- As I, the price ladder,
Those who witness illegal take,
Evil legal, convince me,
Therefore, I am the champion. "
(Hey Upaka)
This, monks, after being told that, evil pagan network Upaka told me:
"- Hey Sage, hoping that the work is so".
Saying so, Upaka shook his head and go in a different intersection.
- Hey, monks, and then I go to Baranasi sequentially, Isipatana, Deer Park, went to the spot in the group of five monks. This, monks, when the group of five monks from far away to see me, have together agreed as follows: "Behold, the sage, this recluse Gotama is come to; You are living in affluence, has abandoned ardent, life has become full access material. We should never have bowed, do not have to stand up, do not be taken care bowl. Book a seat, and if he wants, he will sit ". This, monks, but when I go to close, five monks can not keep what he had to agree. Someone came to pick me and took care bowl, someone arranged seats, someone brought water to wash your feet. But he called me by name to the list from Sage (Avuso). This, monks when I heard that, I said to a group of five monks:
- "Hey, monks, do not have to call me by name and uses nouns Sage. This, monks, the Tathagata is the Arhat level, Enlightenment. Please slang ear, France has proven to be immortal, I teach, I preached. Live according to your teacher recommendations, and he did not how long, after the self-knowing, self-certification, achieved within the existing order, the supreme aim of the Good men of dignity that death, abandoned the family left home, lived not family and He will dwell.
This, monks, when they heard that, a group of five monks told me:
"- Sage Gotama, with this lifestyle, with this religious direction, with this ascetic, Sage has not attained France superheroes, knowledge, wins worthy saint, but now how Sage, with folds affluent, with a waiver ardent, with callbacks full physical life, the French may be superhuman evidence, knowledge worthy saint wins?
 This, monks, when they heard that, I said to the group of five monks:
"- This, monks, the Tathagata is not well off, do not abandon essential need, do not come back full material life. This, monks, the Tathagata is the Arhat level, Enlightenment. This, monks, let slang ear, France has proven to be immortal, I teach, I preached. Live according to your teacher recommendations, and he did not how long, after the self-knowing, self-certification, in order to reach even the current supreme purpose of Thien Pham unfortunate that the male-home, abandoned the family, no home life Home, for He will dwell.
This, monks, the second time, the group of five monks said to me:
"- Sage Gotama, to this life ... (as above) ... knowledge worthy saint wins?
This, monks, the second time I told the group of five monks:
"- This, monks, the Tathagata is not well off ... (as above) ... and He will dwell.
This, monks, for the third time, a group of five monks said to me:
"- Sage Gotama, to this life ... (as above) ... knowledge worthy saint wins?
This, monks, when they heard that, I said to the group of five monks:
"- This, monks, so far, these He has accepted that I had never said so reasonable?
"- Buddha never so.
"- This, monks, the Tathagata is the Arhat level, Enlightenment. Please slang ear, France has proven to be immortal, I teach, I preached. Live according to your teacher recommendations, and he did not how long, after the self-knowing, self-certification, in order to achieve even current supreme purpose of the virtues that the male Compassion-home, abandon their families, to live without family and He will dwell ".
This, monks, I have done for a group of five monks accepted. This, monks, I am preaching to the two monks. Three other monks seeking alms. Food that is three monks alms brought enough to feed six people groups. This, monks, I preach for three monks. Two other monks seeking alms. Food that two monks carrying alms of this, enough to feed a group of six people. This, monks, they are five monks, after I preached, I encourage teachers after, himself was born, after becoming aware of the dangers of being born female, seek what is not being, wealth rooftop peace, get rid of (suffering) yoke, Nibbana and has proven to be so unproductive, supreme peace, get rid of (suffering) yoke, Nibbana, aging itself ... the not themselves sick elderly ... ... the sick ... not yourself die ... die ... so do not be sad ... yourself ... yourself the grief is not contaminated, after becoming aware of the dangers of the pollution, sought the pollution, supreme peace, get rid of (suffering) yoke, Nibbana, and proved to be the pollution, supreme security OK, get rid of the (suffering) yoke, Nibbana. Tri and where they arise is: "The liberation of not being swayed us, what is this formula are provided such departure is the final life. No longer reborn ".
This, monks, have nurtured in education. What is the year? The perception by the eye color, this color lovable, capable happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate indulgence, attractive. The sound perception by ear ... (as above) ... the flavor perception by the nose ... the tongue taste perception because ... the emotions are touched by her loving relatives, capable happy, pleasurable, ability attention, stimulate indulgence, attractive. This, monks, as such, is in training and cultivate. This, monks, the recluse or Brahmin bound yet, being greedy, being a passion nurtured by years of education, do not see the dangers of them, do not know the arrival marginalized them, but use them life, these persons should be understood as: "the people have fallen into misfortune, had fallen into a disaster, has been used as the Devil wanted". This, monks, like a deer in the forest trapped live to lie down, the deer that need to be understood as: "It has fallen into misfortune, had fallen into a disaster, has been used as the standard hunter want. When the hunter comes, the deer could not leave, as desired. This, monks, too, the monk or Brahmin does trapped ... (as above) ... Devil has been used as intended. This, monks, the recluse or Brahmin does not bound, not being greedy, not a passion nurtured by education this year, saw the dangers of them, aware of the renunciation from them, and feeling them, these persons should be understood as: "the people do not fall into misfortune, not to fall into calamity, not Devil use as desired". This, monks, like a deer living in the forest, not trapped to lie down, the deer that need to be understood as: "It does not fall into misfortune, it does not fall into calamity, it is not people hunters use as you wish ". When the hunter comes, the deer can be omitted as desired. This, monks, too, the recluse or Brahmin does unfettered ... Devil being used as intended.
Chu, monks, such as deer live in the woods, walking around in the woods, relieved it, rest assured it stands, it's peace of mind to sit, rest assured it is. Why so? This, monks, because it is beyond the reach of the hunter. Also, this, monks, a fitness monks glasses, cups evil evil Zen approach first residence certificate, a state of bliss, due to sexual ly birth, there can reach the quarterfinals. This, monks, monks was called: a blindness did evil Ma, has eradicated all traces, took the Devil out of sight. This, monks, monks kill again and reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most static inner mind. This, monks, monks are called ... he was getting out of sight of the Devil. This, monks, monks cup again discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. This, monks, monks are called ... he was getting out of sight of the Devil. This, monks, monks again optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. This, monks, monks was called ... beyond Devil's eyes.
This, monks, monks again took all the forms, eliminate all obstacles idea, no volition for a great horror, monks thought: "Nowhere is boundless", residence certificate No origin boundless. This, monks, monks are called ... he was getting out of sight of the Devil. This, monks, monks again took the land of boundless all, think: "Consciousness is infinite" Boundless Consciousness residence certificate of origin. This, monks, monks are called ... he was getting out of sight of the Devil. This, monks, monks again took all the land of boundless consciousness, thought: "There is no object", owned residence certificate Unknown Origin. This, monks, monks are called ... he was getting out of sight of the Devil. This, monks, monks again overcoming naught origin, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa. This, monks, monks billion- was called ... took out of sight of the Devil. This, monks, monks again overcoming great ideal non African origin, residence certificate Removal life thought (of). After seeing with wisdom, the defilements are the exception. This, monks, monks was called a blind eye Devil did, was to eradicate all traces, took the Devil out of sight. He took from all bondage in life. Relieved he went, he stood relieved, relieved he sat, he is relieved. Why? This, monks, because he is beyond the reach of the Devil.
Exalted such preaching. Happy, monks, followers teaches life Bhagavan said.

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