Friday 1 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Rajagaha (Rajagrha) in Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), Kalandakanivapa. At that time a large number of local people, monks, after the rainy season retreat locally, went to where the Blessed One in, after arrival, pay homage to him and sat to one side. Bhagavan told the monks were sitting on one side:
- Hey, monks, who in the local monks the same dignity, the same locality following praise: "Themselves least talked about sex and sexual minorities for the monks; his self-contentment and lectured on basics for the monks; himself in solitude and preach about solitude for monks; himself no pollution and no pollution preached to the monks; themselves ardent, diligent and preached ardent, diligent to the monks; Achievements himself lectured on morality and virtue achievement for monks; Meditation itself accomplishments and achievements lecture on meditation for monks; intellectual achievements themselves and talk about intellectual achievement for the monks; themselves to achieve liberation and talk about achievements frees monks; themselves to achieve liberation and knowledge about knowledge to achieve liberation for the monks; World religious leaders, the open market, the presentation, the encouragement, the making excited, you make the joy of dignity. "
- Buddha, venerable monks puñña · Mantaniputta is local monks the same dignity, the same locality following praise: "Themselves least talking about sex and sexual minorities for the monks ... (as above) ... you make the joy of dignity.
At that time, Venerable Sariputta sitting not far from the Blessed One. The venerable Sariputta thought as follows: "Happy is the venerable puñña · Mantaniputta! Happy feet rather venerable puñña · Mantaniputta! Venerable has been the position of dignity has praised one by one in front of gurus, masters and accepted; can we meet venerable puñña · Mantaniputta, at one place, in one time, there may be a conversation with the Venerable.
Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajagrha) Long until satisfied, then depart for Savatthi; His arrival Savatthi sequentially. Here, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Venerable puñña · Mantaniputta be heard: "Bhagavan went to Savatthi, residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden." Then he came to gather Mantaniputta puñña · moved back couch, holding a bowl y, depart Savatthi. The venerable sequential go to Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden, to the Exalted in place, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Exalted venerable sermon puñña · Mantaniputta sitting on one side, encouraging, make happy. Venerable puñña · Mantaniputta, Bhagavan after sermon, encouraging, making excited, make happy, joyful followers teaches life Bhagavan said, standing up from his seat, bowed, the organic body direction His, from weightlifting Andhavana go to lunch.
Then the other monks to place in the venerable Sariputta, after arriving, said to the venerable Sariputta, "Sariputta Sage, Sage always praised monks puñña · Mantaniputta; This position is Exalted sermon, encouraging, making excited, make happy, joyful followers teaches life Bhagavan said from the seat up, bowed, right hand toward his body, from lifting away to Andhavana to lunch ". The venerable Sariputta then hurried to bring cushions, follow behind venerable puñña · Mantaniputta, head towards the front (to track). Then venerable puñña · Andhavana Mantaniputta going into the forest, lunch and sit under a tree. The venerable Sariputta, after going into Andhavana forest, lunch sitting under a tree. Then in the afternoon, venerable Sariputta from meditation in solitude stand up, to spot venerable puñña · Mantaniputta, after to speak with puñña · Mantaniputta venerable words of welcome, inquiries, social and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable Sariputta said to Venerable puñña · Mantaniputta:
- Sage, have not we live the virtues under the teachings of Bhagavan?
- It's so, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is presented for the purpose of purification?
 - No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is for the purpose of pure mind?
 - No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is pure purpose?
 - No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is for the purposes of paragraph Comfort purity?
- No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan's sake airstrip religion pure knowledge?
- No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan's knowledge for the purpose of pure religion?
 - No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is for the purpose of pure knowledge?
- No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is presented for the purpose of purification?
- No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is for the purpose of pure mind?
- No, Sage.
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is for the purpose of pure ... (as above). "...
- Sage, with dignity, to live under the teachings of Bhagavan is for the purpose of pure knowledge?
And sage replied:
- No, Sage.
- Sage, so with purpose, dignity, live under the teachings of Bhagavan?
- Sage, with no obvious purpose before PARINIRVANA, should live under the holy teachings of Bhagavan.
- Sage, there must be no obvious gender purity before PARINIRVANA?
- Sage, not so.
- Sage, have a calm mind is very obvious before PARINIRVANA?
- Sage, not so.
- Sage, there must be no obvious pure before PARINIRVANA?
- Sage, not so.
- Sage, there must be very pure piece of features manually before PARINIRVANA?
- Sage, not so.
- Sage, is directed airstrip pure knowledge is of prime before PARINIRVANA?
- Sage, not so.
- Sage, is religion pure knowledge is very obvious before PARINIRVANA?
- Sage, not so.
- Sage, is pure knowledge is very obvious before PARINIRVANA?
- Sage, not so.
- Sage, do something outside the law is no defense before PARINIRVANA?
- Sage, not so.
- Sage, there must be no obvious gender purity before PARINIRVANA?
- No, Sage.
- Sage, have a calm mind is very obvious before PARINIRVANA?
- No, Sage.
- Is it pure ... (as above) ...
- Are pure knowledge is very obvious before PARINIRVANA?
- No, Sage.
- There must be something in addition to the previous manual method is very PARINIRVANA?
- No, Sage.
- Sage, meaning that this word should be understood like?
- Sage, if Bhagavan statement is very obvious gender purity before PARINIRVANA He also declared invalid the previous prime PARINIRVANA is prime property equals before PARINIRVANA. Sage, if Bhagavan declared pure heart ... Sage, if Bhagavan declared pure ... Sage, if Bhagavan declared paragraph ... Sage purification facilities, if the Exalted said announced airstrip religion pure knowledge ... Sage, if Bhagavan declared religion pure knowledge ... Sage, if Bhagavan declared pure knowledge is very obvious before PARINIRVANA He prime also declared invalid before PARINIRVANA is prime property equals before PARINIRVANA. Sage, and if Bhagavan declared outside the law something that is very obvious before PARINIRVANA, the ordinary man can PARINIRVANA, because this sage, in addition to the ordinary is that legal. Sage, Sage will give me an example, here, where some guys there, thanks for understanding the meaning of words. Sage, as King Pasenadi Kosala while staying at Savatthi, there arises urgent work in Saketa, and seven stations were arranged between Savatthi and Saketa king. Sage, and the king of Kosala Pasenadi, from the inner city out of Savatthi door, climb the first station, and thanks to the first station to be second car stations; The first to abandon the station, climb Monday station, thanks to the bus stop Monday to Tuesday was station; Monday abandoned station ... to be Wednesday station; Tuesday abandoned station ... to be Thursday stations, abandoned stations Wednesday, Thursday climbed station, because the station is the station Thursday to Friday; abandon the fifth station, climb the station Friday, thanks to the bus stop Friday, Saturday to reach the bus stop; abandon the station Friday, Saturday climbed station, thanks to the bus stop to be Saketa Saturday, at the mouth of the inner city. When the king arrived at the city gates, the courtier ministers, the same blood relatives asked as follows:
"- O Lord does with this station, away from Savatthi Majesty Saketa at the door to the inner city?"
Sage, King Pasenadi Kosala how to answer the new call is answered correctly?
Sage, King Pasenadi Kosala to answer like this new right answer:
"- Here, while we in Savatthi, there is urgent work arises in Saketa, and seven stations were arranged for us, between Savatthi and Saketa. I descended from the inner door from Savatthi, climb the first station, and thanks to the first station, we reach the second car stations; The first to abandon the station, we climb Monday station; and by Monday station, we reach the station Tuesday; Monday abandoned station ... to be Wednesday station; Tuesday abandoned station ... to be Thursday stations; Wednesday abandoned station ... to be station Friday; abandoned station Thursday, Friday climbed station, thanks to the bus stop Friday, Saturday to be station; Friday abandoned station ... climb station Saturday, thanks to the bus stop Saturday, I reached Saketa, at the mouth of the inner city. "
Sage, King Pasenadi Kosala new answer so answer correctly.
Also, the sage, the pure world only purpose (attain) a pure mind; pure mind only purpose (attain) is pure; only pure purpose (attain) Comfort purification segment; Comfort purification segment only purpose (attain) runway religion pure knowledge; airstrip religion pure knowledge only purpose (attain) religion pure knowledge; religion pure knowledge only purpose (attain) the pure knowledge; pure knowledge only purpose (attain) very obvious before PARINIRVANA. This sage, the holy life under the guidance of Bhagavan is very obvious purpose before PARINIRVANA.
 When saying this, venerable Sariputta told venerable puñña · Mantaniputta:
- The venerable name is what? And the dignity, the same venerable know how?
- Sage, my name is puñña · of dignity and knew I was Mantaniputta.
- It's rather bizarre, Sage! It miraculously, Sage! Deep questions were answered one by one by a disciple heard, had known the teachings of gurus and disciples was Venerable puñña · Mantaniputta. Really happy for the dignity, the same! Really happy feet instead of dignity is the visitation, was close Venerable puñña · Mantaniputta! If the team of dignity venerable puñña · Mantaniputta on the head with a rolled cloth towels to be visited, to be close, you are really happy for them personally, it's feet happy for you too! Happily for us, really happy for our feet to be visited, being close Venerable puñña · Mantaniputta!
When saying this, venerable puñña · told Venerable Sariputta Mantaniputta:
- What are venerable name, and the dignity, the same venerable know how?
- Sage, my name is Upatissa, and know my dignity, the same as Sariputta.
- I'm discussion with student grades are considered on par with the masters that are not known as Venerable Sariputta. If we know the venerable Sariputta, we did not talk that much. It's rather bizarre, Sage! It miraculously, Sage! Deep questions were answered one by one, by a disciple heard, had known the teachings of gurus. And his disciples was Venerable Sariputta. Really happy for the dignity, the same! Really happy for the feet of dignity ... to visit the venerable Sariputta was close! If the team of dignity venerable Sariputta over the head with a rolled cloth towels to be visited, being close, you are really happy for them personally, it's feet happy for you too! Happily for us, really happy for our feet to visit the venerable Sariputta was close!
Thus, two high-level theoretical virtues charity together, rejoice together.

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