Friday 1 April 2016

23. ECONOMIC new wood

Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. At that time, he came to reside in Andhavana Kumarakassapa. Then a God, the night was almost brutal, with radiant light illuminated Andhavana whole, to place in the venerable Kumarakassapa, after arrival, stood to one side. After standing to one side, the Venerable Thien told Kumarakassapa: "monks, monks!" This mound fumigation night, daytime lighting. A Brahmin say: "Hey guys placement, swords and dug up". People with swords dug up position, see a hasp: "Venerable Sir, a hasp". You Brahmin said: "Hey guys location, get the latch up, swords more digging." People with swords dug up position, see the clones: "Venerable Sir, a frog". You Brahmin said: "Hey guys mind, bring up frog, swords more digging." People with swords dug up position, see the two down the road: "Venerable Sir, a two down the road." You Brahmin said: "Hey guys take place down the road two more, dig more swords." People with swords dug up position, saw a milk filter graph: "Venerable Sir, a milk filter graph". You Brahmin said: "Let's get something to filter milk, add peach swords". People with swords dug up position, see a turtle: "Venerable Sir, a turtle". You Brahmin said: "Hey guys mind, take the turtle up, dug swords". People with swords dug up position, saw a cleaver: "Venerable Sir, a cleaver". You Brahmin said: "Hey guys mind, let's take up the machetes, swords more digging." People with swords dug up position, saw a piece of meat: "Venerable Sir a piece of meat". You Brahmin said: "Hey guys mind, take the meat up, dug swords". People with swords dug up position, see cobra: "Venerable Sir, cobra". You Brahmin said: "Let the cobra still, do not touch cobra, be bowed cobra". This, monks, go to where the Exalted in and asked the question. Bhagavan answer how venerable, so please maintain life. This, monks, I did not see anyone on earth, the gods, the Mara, with Brahma, and we recluses and Brahmin, gods and men who can afferent to answer question, except the Tathagata, the Tathagata or his disciples who were listening to these two men. " Deva say so. After saying so, he disappeared here.
Then venerable Kumarakassapa after night you have accomplished, to spot the Exalted in, after to finish, bowed and sat down on one side. After sitting down on one side, venerable lord Kumarakassapa:
- Buddha, tonight, a God, the night was almost brutal, with radiant light illuminated Andhavana whole, to place children in, after arriving stood aside. When standing on one side, your God told me: "monks, monks! This termite mound, fumigation night, daytime lighting. A Brahmin say: "Hey guys placement, swords dug up". People with swords location, unearthed found a hasp ... (as above) ... disciples Tathagata or those who have been listening to these two men. " Lord, the God say so, said this was disappeared on the spot. Venerable sir, what is the termite mound, something fumigation night, something light during the day, who is Brahmin, who has the mind, what is the sword, what is dug up, the what is the latch, what is the frog, what is the way the two down, what is the milk filter graph, what is the turtle, what is the cleaver, what is the meat, what is the snake they?
- Hey monks, termite mounds are synonymous with the city itself by the four elements, so parents born, nurtured by rice gruel, impermanent, turn septic, pollen dark, rupture, annihilation.
This, monks, what belongs to daytime work, night-range thinking, thinking, such as fumigation night.
This, monks, something after the failure range, reflecting the night, the day put them into practice, physical, speech, the mind, so is the daytime glare.
This, monks, Brahmin is synonymous with Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment.
This, monks, whose location is synonymous with organic monks study.
This monks, the sword is synonymous with wisdom of sages.
This, monks, dug up is synonymous with diligent, ardent.
This monks, the latch is synonymous with ignorance; hasp bring up the abandoned ignorance; this place who have, swords dug up is this sense.
This monks, the clones are synonymous with wrathful hostility hatred; frog brought up is to give up hatred outraged hostility; guys with swords this place was dug up this sense.
This, monks, two down the road is synonymous with doubt; bring two down the road to the abandoned doubt; guys with swords this place was dug up this sense.
This, monks, maps milk filter is synonymous with five hindrances: hindrances lust, anger hindrances, hindrances torpor drowsiness, agitation repentance hindrances, hindrances doubt; dispose of milk to filter map is abandoned five hindrances; guys with swords this place was dug up this sense.
This monks, the turtle is synonymous with five aggregates, aggregates identity ie, life aggregates, aggregates idea, operating aggregates, aggregates form; turtle is brought up to reject the aggregates; guys with swords this place was dug up this sense.
This, monks, cleaver in education is synonymous with broods, ie the perception by the eye color, lovable, capable happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate indulgence, attractive. The sound perception by ear ... The flavor perception by nose ... The taste perceived by the tongue ... The body touched by emotion, lovable, capable happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate indulgence interesting; get cleaver to abandon years of education is nurtured; this place who have, swords dug up is this sense.
This monks, the meat is synonymous with joy to participate; take the meat to a waiver of participation rapture; this place who have, swords dug up is this sense.
This, monks, cobra is synonymous with the monks were eradicated taints; let cobra yen, not touching cobra, be bowed cobra, this is significant.
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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