Friday 1 April 2016


Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). At that time, monks named Arittha, old coaching profession falcons, wrong evil arises as follows: "As far as I understand Bhagavan lecturing methods, the use of legal life is Exalted called obstacles legal, there is no obstacle really nothing ". A large number of monks heard the following: "Monks Arittha name, the old hawk coaching profession, wrong evil arises as follows:" As far as I understand Bhagavan lecturing methods, the use of legal life is Bhagavan called legal obstacles, no obstacle really nothing ". Then the monks went to where monks Arittha, old coaching profession falcon, when finished, immediately told the monks Arittha, old coaching profession falcons as follows:
- Hey Sage Arittha, with true that evil sage wrong arises as follows: "As far as I understand ... really no obstacle nothing"?
- It is so, reverences. As far as I understand ... there is no obstacle whatsoever.
Then the monks wanted Arittha monks, old coaching profession falcons hatred was wrong, immediately questioned, why victims issues, discuss: - "Sage Arittha, do not say so, do not Exalted distorted. Distorting Bhagavan is not good. Bhagavan does not say so. Arittha sage, Bhagavan has used many Dhamma practice karma theory. And those who use them self sufficient life obstacles. Bhagavan spoke of little sexual pleasure, more suffering, more cerebral, so more and more dangerous. Bhagavan spoke of education is such as bone ... Bhagavan spoke of sex is like a piece of meat ... Bhagavan spoke of education is such as torch hay ... Bhagavan spoke of Exercise is like a flaming pit coal ... Bhagavan spoke of sex is like a dream ... Exalted attack spoke of education is such as items on loan ... Bhagavan spoke of education is such as fruit Bhagavan spoke tree ... the desire is like a butcher ... Bhagavan spoke of desires is like sharp sticks ... Bhagavan spoke of early education is such as solid, fun little more suffering , brain and so much, much more dangerous. "
- Arittha ancient monks trained falcon profession, monks oil was heckled, discussion questions, still speak evil he wrong, stubborn, clinging, clutching his wrong view: "It is that, as far as I understand, the legal Exalted ... preach what no obstacles. "
Because the monks could not make Arittha monks, old coaching profession falcons, hatred was wrong, so they came to Bhagavan in, when finished, bowed and sat down on one side . After sitting down on one side, the monks that venerable sir:
- Buddha, monks Arittha, old coaching profession eagle, evil evil arises is as follows: "As I understand, the legal Exalted ... preach what no obstacles." Venerable sir, we heard: "Monks Arittha name, the old hawk coaching profession ... What no obstacles." Buddha, then we come to the monks Arittha, old coaching profession falcon, when finished, immediately told the monks Arittha, old coaching profession hawk:
"- Hey Sage Arittha, with reasonable true? Sage wrong evil arises as follows: "As far as I understand ... there is not really what the obstacles."
Buddha, when they heard that, monks Arittha, coaching profession old hawk, told us the following:
"- It is really so. Reverences, as far as I understand ... really no obstacles whatsoever.
Venerable sir, we want to make Arittha monks, old coaching profession falcons, hatred was wrong, immediately questioned, why victims issues, discuss:
- "Sage Arittha, do not say so! Do not misrepresent the Blessed One. Distorting Bhagavan is not good. Bhagavan does not say so, Sage Arittha, Bhagavan has used many disciplines, theory of karma religion. And those who use their life, self-sufficient obstacles. Bhagavan spoke of little sexual pleasure, more suffering, more cerebral, so more and more dangerous. Bhagavan spoke of education is such as bone ... Bhagavan spoke the snake's head is like sex, less fun, more suffering, more brains, and so more and more dangerous.
Buddha, monks Arittha, coaching profession old hawk, oil was heckled us, why victims issues, discussion, still speak evil he wrong, stubborn, clinging, clutching wrong that: "It is so, as I understand it, the legal Exalted ... preach what no obstacles." Buddha, because we can not make Arittha monks, old coaching profession falcons, hatred was wrong, so we ask Bhagavan to this sense.
Then Bhagavan for other monks called a:
- Hey, monks, go and call my name Arittha monks, old coaching profession falcons that "Arittha Sage, Sage gurus call".
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Monks was obedient Exalted, to where monks Arittha, coaching profession old hawk, after arrival, immediately told the monks Arittha, old coaching profession hawk:
- Arittha Sage, Sage called gurus.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
Arittha monks, old coaching profession hawk, responded to his monks, come to Bhagavan in, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Arittha monks, old coaching profession hawk, sitting down on one side:
- Hey Arittha, were so, He arose evil wrong as follows: "As far as I understand ... really no obstacle nothing"?
- It is so, venerable sir. As far as I understand, really no obstacles whatsoever.
- Hey fool the other, to understand why he preached so I approach? This fool the other, there are affordable, I have used many Dhamma practice karma theory. And those who use them self sufficient life obstacles? I spoke of little sexual pleasure, suffering much, much brain, so more and more dangerous. I have theories of education is such as bone ... I spoke of sex is like meat ... is such as torch hay ... is like a flaming pit coal ... is like a dream bout ... is such as items on loan ... is such as fruit ... is like a butcher ... is such as sharp sticks ... I spoke of early education is such as solid, fun little , more suffering, more brains, and so more and more dangerous. This and other fool, not the distorted He Me, because He has self-clinging false, self-destructive He created many losses he and virtue. This fool the other, and so will lead to unhappiness and suffering long for him.
Then Bhagavan called the monks:
- Chu, monks, and how do you think? Arittha monks, ancient falcon trainer profession may arise what bright spark in France this law?
- Buddha, how can you be! Can not be, venerable sir.
Being said that, monks Arittha, old coaching profession eagles, silence, shame, indented shoulders, lowered his head, anxiety, shut up. Then Bhagavan, after knowing Arittha monks, old coaching profession eagles are silent, ashamed, indented shoulders, lowered his head, anxiety, shut up, but I said to Arittha monks, ancient profession trained falcons:
- Hey fool the other, it would be the last he knew of the evil Mr wrong. Here, I will ask the monks.
Then Bhagavan called the monks:
- Chu, monks, the legal He understood I preach, like monks Arittha, old coaching profession this falcon, not only did I misrepresent themselves grasping for wrong, but also self-destructive its virtues and caused much damage?
- Buddha, no. Buddha, Bhagavan has used many objectionable practice Dhamma theory; and those who use their life, self-sufficient obstacles. Bhagavan spoke of little sexual pleasure, more suffering, more cerebral, so more and more dangerous, Bhagavan spoke of education such as bone ... (as above) ... Bhagavan spoke of education for as the first solid, funny little, suffering much, and so much brain as much more dangerous.
- You instead, monks, monks! You instead, monks, monks!
The methods I preach He understands that. Chu, monks, I have used many obstacles theory Dhamma teachings, and those who use their life, self-sufficient obstacles. I spoke of little sexual pleasure, suffering much, much brain, and thus more and more dangerous. I have theories of education such as bone ... (as above) ... I spoke of early education such as snakes, funny little, more suffering, more brains, and so more and more dangerous. But monks Arittha, old coaching profession falcon, not only for themselves misrepresent I cling misleading but also their self-sabotage and create more damage virtue, and so will lead to unhappiness, misery long day for her fool. Actually, the monks, this event does not happen, people can use the sexual life outside of education, in addition to great sex, sex outside the range.
Chu, monks, here are some legal practitioners foolish, like Beijing, application procedure, hypothesis, procedure Shelf, Inspiration language, as language market, Bon birth, because of the increased property law, advertising methods. After learning of this law, they do not observe the legal meaning that with wisdom. The law does, because the meaning is not intellectual observation, should not become clear. They learn just for the sake of the law, wants to criticize others, just for the sake, quiche want to argue, and they do not achieve the goals that the law aims to study. The method for holding false that should lead them to unhappiness, suffering long. Why? This, monks, as they maintained phap.Chu misleading the monks, such as a water snake desires, seek water snakes, snakes around the room to find water. When he saw a large water snake, and he caught the snake was in the back or in the tail. The snake that can come back to bite him in the hand, arm or in any other part of the body, and that this may be due to people being killed or suffering almost died. Why? Chu, monks, for grasping the snake in the wrong way. This too, monks, here, some legal practitioners foolish ... Chu, monks, because the wrong legal attachment.
Here, the monks, some legal practitioners Good men to death, such as Beijing, application procedure, hypothesis, procedure Shelf, Inspiration language, as language market, Bon birth, because of the increased property law, advertising methods. After learning this technique, they observed that the legal significance of the intellectual. The law does, because the meaning is the intellectual observer, should become clear. They learn not for the benefit approach, want to criticize someone else, not for the good, quiche want to argue, and they achieve the goals that the approach towards learning. The law does, so cleverly held, should take them to happy, lasting peace. Why? This, monks, as clever legal hold. Chu, monks, such as a water snake desires, seek water snakes around the room to find water snakes. When he saw a large water snake. That person can skillfully crushed water snake with a stick with crutches. After skillfully pressed to stick with crutches, he can skillfully holding solid. Chu, monks, snake oil to that country that will blow itself around his hand, or arm, or any other body part, nor because he was predestined to end up dead or suffering almost dead. Why? Chu, monks, because the snake cleverly hold water. Likewise, monks, monks, here, some legal practitioners Good men to death ... lettered monks, since legal holds so clever. Thus, the monks, please understand the meaning accept what I say, and life over it. If someone does not understand the meaning, then accept what I say here, and he ask me or asked the monks intellectual level.
Chu  , monks, I will lecture to him, like a raft to pass, not to hold on. Listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- Hey, monks, such as someone walking on the path of greater length, to a large water areas, this shore dangerous and frightening, the other side in peace and not terror, but no boat to cross through or no bridge over the other from coast to coast. The person himself thinking: "This is a large water areas, this shore dangerous and frightening, the other side in peace and not terror, but no boat to pass or no bridge spanning from coast to coast other. Now let's gather grass, trees, branches, leaves, tied into the raft, and based on this raft, using hands and feet diligently, can cross to the other side safely. " Chu, monks, then he gather grass, trees, branches, leaves tied a raft, and thanks to this raft, diligent hands legs crossed to the other side safely. When the other side then, He thought: "This raft multiple benefits for us, thanks to this raft, we diligently used limbs to pass to the other side safely. Now let the raft on top or carry it on their shoulders, and go where we want. " Chu, monks, and how do you think? Chu, monks, if he does so, it makes a chord with reasonable use of the raft?
- Buddha, no.
- Chu, monks, that person how to use the correct basis of the raft? Here, monks, monks, that person after crossing to the other side, may think: "This raft for our benefit much. Thanks to this raft, I have diligently used limbs crossed to the other side safely. Now let's pull it up on the shore raft dry land, or pushed under the water, and go where we want. " Chu, monks, doing so, he made the right facilities that use the raft. Also, the monks, monks, I preach as a raft to cross, not to hold on. Chu, monks, and he needs to understand examples raft ... Dharma have to leave, much less illegal.
This, monks, is the land of six. What is six? Here, the monks, others ordinary uncultured, not go to the audience with the sages, not legal maturity of the saint, not the sages legal practice, do not go to an audience of Chon grade multiplication , no legal maturity levels mercy Chon, not legal practice multiplication Chon levels, see rupa: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my self", see sensations: "the this is mine, this is mine, this is my self ", a great view," this is mine, this is mine, this is my self ", see the issue:" this is mine, this is mine, this is my self ", if something is seen, be heard, be emotional, be aware, be reached, is sought, is the thought:" what this is mine, this is mine, this is my self ", and any land which is stated that:" this is the world, this is the self, after death, I will be permanent, permanent constant, permanent, not change, I will, to stay like this for ever ", considered such as:" this is mine, this is mine, this is my self. " And the monks, monks, St. tastes Multicultural audience disciples went to the sages, saints legal maturity, the sages legal practice, go to Chon Nhon audience levels, legal maturity levels Chon kindness, practice mercy Chon legal levels, see the material: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self", see feeling: "this is not the me, this is not me, this is not my self, "a great view:" this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self ", see the operating "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self", if something is seen, be heard, be emotional, be aware, be reached, are sought , is the thought: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self", and any land which is stated that: "this is the world, this is self down, after death I will permanent, permanent, permanent, not change, I will stay like this until forever ", considered such as:" this is not mine, this is not my, this is not my self. " This position by observing that, for such things really should not have worried, depressed.
Heard that, other monks a lord:
- There may be something not really there outside, can cause worries?
Bhagavan replied:
- There may be, these monks, here, there are people who think like this: "What is my sure, this certainly is not mine. What can certainly be mine, so I definitely did not. " That person grief, wailing, weeping, beating their breasts, go to unconsciousness. This, monks, as such, have not really had the outside, can cause anxiety, sorrow.
- Buddha, there may be something not really there outside, can not cause worries?
Bhagavan replied:
- There may be, these monks, here, this, monks, some people do not think like this: "What is my sure, this certainly is not mine. What can certainly be mine, so I definitely did not. " He does not grief, wailing, weeping, not mourn, do not go to the unconscious. Thus, the monks, have not really had the outside, does not cause worries.
- Buddha, there may be something not really there in may cause worries?
Bhagavan replied:
- There may be, these monks, here, the monks, have people (evil) is as follows: "This is the world, this is the self, after death, I will usually longer, permanent , resident does not change. I will stay like this until forever ". This person heard Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples to preach is promoted unless all origin, bigotry, bias acceptance, prejudice, custom free, the only pure actions, renouncing every birth care, the elimination of thirst kindness to dispassion, cessation, Nibbana. That person might think as follows: "Surely I will be annihilated, I will be sure to pass away, certainly will not survive". That person grief, wailing, weeping, beating their breasts, go to unconsciousness. This, monks, such is not actually available in the can cause worries.
- Buddha, there may be something not actually present in, does not cause anxiety, sorrow?
Bhagavan replied:
- There may be, these monks, here, there are no (evil) is as follows: "This is the world, this is the self, after death, I will be permanent, constant, permanent, do not change, I will stay like this until forever ". This person heard Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples to preach is promoted unless all origin, bigotry, bias acceptance, prejudice, custom free, the only pure actions, renouncing every birth care, the elimination of thirst compassion to lead to dispassion, cessation, Nibbana. He does not think like this: "Surely I will be annihilated, I will be sure to pass away, to make sure we would not exist." He is not grief, wailing, weeping; he does not mourn, do not go to the unconscious. This, monks, such is not the actual ones in, does not cause anxiety, sorrow.
This, monks, and he can hold what a possession, and possession would be held permanent, permanent, permanent, not change, can stay like this forever? Chu, monks, and he could see a possession have been held and possessions would be held permanent, permanent, permanent, not change, can stay like this forever?
- Buddha, no.
- You instead, the monks. This, monks, I did not see an object held public ownership, which held possessions would be permanent, constant, permanent, not change, can stay like this forever. This, monks, the clinging Could Fall obvious conclusion that he was prime intersection clinging comment so do not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, not the brain? This, monks, the player Do you see a comment that Nga Nga obvious conclusion is that such attachment not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, not the brain?
- Buddha not.
- You instead, the monks. This, monks, I also do not see the obvious conclusion that Nga Nga obvious conclusion is that such attachment not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. This, monks, the public He is y, where y is y he is just so not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, not the brain? This, monks, the medicine is what he has seen, that is medical care that is not only that arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, not the brain?
- Buddha, no.
- You instead, the monks! This, monks, I also do not see a public health is, which is health care that is only the case, did not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. Chu, monks, if any down time with my ego belonging?
- Buddha, yes.
- Chu, monks, if there falls under the facility, there is the ego of me?
- Buddha, yes.
- Chu, monks, if falls and falls under the facility can not be accepted as permanent, permanent, it is this origin: "This is the world, this is the self, after death, I will be a permanent, permanent constant, permanent, do not change I'll stay like this forever. " This, monks, is his origin is completely and thoroughly foolish not it?
- Buddha, how could completely, thoroughly not be foolish!
- Hey, monks, and how do you think? Lust is permanent or impermanent?
- Buddha, impermanence.
- What is impermanent is suffering or optimistic?
- Buddha, suffering.
- What is impermanent, suffering and subject to damage variable, the district can reasonably affordable when the shop was: "This is mine, this is mine, this is my self '?
- Buddha, no.
- Chu, monks, feeling is permanent or impermanent?
- Buddha, is impermanent.
- What is impermanent is suffering or optimistic?
- Buddha, is suffering.
- What is impermanent, suffering and subject to the reasonable variations reasonable damage when the customary chief was: "This is my ... my self"?
- Buddha, no.
- Chu, monks, is a great permanent or impermanent?
- Buddha, impermanence.
- What is impermanent ...?
- Buddha, no.
- Chu, monks, the practice is permanent or impermanent ... lettered monks, form is permanent or impermanent?
- Buddha, impermanence.
- What is impermanent is suffering or optimistic?
- Buddha, suffering.
- What is impermanent, suffering it has reasonably affordable, while the main bar was: "This is mine, this is mine, this is my self '?
- Buddha, no.
- So, this, monks, any of matter, past, future, present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior and superior, far or near; All material is: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self," as real need for Secretarial intellectual consistency. Any sensation ... Any idea how ... Any applicable ... Any kind, past, future, present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior and superior, far or near, all consciousness is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self," as real need for Secretarial intellectual consistency.
Chu, monks, by seeing this, the disciples of St. Multicultural cover glass for sharp, glass cover for life, ideal for glass cover, cover glass for the act, cover glass to form, so cover up the glass cup greed, by dispassion, should be freed, in place of liberation has arisen, knows freed. He said: "Sanh took advantage, has a dignity, what should be done is done, no longer come back here with a different life." Chu, monks, monks was called have put down all obstacles, is what you have to fill the trenches, have uprooted the pillars, the margins have opened the lock, is the One Holy flags lowered down trees, laid down the burden, no consequences.
And how is the monks had put down the obstacles? Here, the monks, is already rid of ignorance, cutting roots, make like a tree beheaded ta-la, which can not be reborn in the future, not likely to arise. Chu, monks, such as monks had put down the obstacles. This, monks, are the monks have filled the trenches? Here, the monks, monks were rid of rebirth and the rotation of birth and death, cut the root, made like a tree beheaded ta-la, which can not be reborn in the future, inability arise. Chu, monks, such as monks were filled trenches. This, monks, are the monks were uprooted pillars? Here, the monks, monks have rid craving, cut the roots, make like a tree beheaded ta-la, which can not be reborn in the future, not likely to arise . Chu, monks, such as monks were uprooted pillars. This, monks, are the monks have opened the lock margins? Here, the monks, monks have rid five lower fetters, has cut its roots, make like a tree beheaded ta-la, which can not be reborn in the future, not likely energy arise. Chu, monks, such as monks had flung open the lock hinge. This, monks, are the saints, monks, has lowered the flag down trees, laid down the burden, no consequences? Here, the monks, monks have rid conceit, cut the roots, make like a tree beheaded ta-la, which can not be reborn in the future, not likely to arise . Chu, monks, such is the saint monks, has lowered the flag down trees, laid down the burden, no consequences.
Chu, monks, monks were freed so, like the gods in Heaven God, Brahma gender, gender Sanh owners will not find a trace of his monks, if thought: "Y here with knowledge of the Tathagata ". Why? Chu, monks, I said right now, a Tathagata can not find traces ". Chu, monks, I say so, such theories, some recluses, Brahmin misrepresent my feet wrongly, confused, delusion, not really: "recluse Gotama all undertakings nihilism, promote cessation, destruction, destruction of the property. " But the monks, so I do not, I do not say so, I do not like the recluses, Brahmin was wrongly feet distorted, confused, delusion, not truth: "recluse Gotama advocate nihilism, promote cessation, destruction, destruction of the property." Chu, monks, then and now, I just tell the pain and the suffering. Chu, monks, if there berating others, defamation, making Tathagata angry, this is the monks, here, the Tathagata has no anger, no resentment, no outrage Center . Chu, monks, if here, respect others, respect, worship, offerings to the Tathagata, then the monks, here Tathagata no joy, joy, Tam is not amused. Chu, monks, if others reverence, respect, worship, offerings to the Tathagata, then the monks, here Tathagata thinking: "This is what formerly had been known: here is the responsibility I have to do. " Thus, the monks, if there are others berating, defamation, He makes angry, here of Mr. Let no anger, resentment, indignation mind not starting. Thus, the monks, if there are others reverence, respect, worship and offerings to the grandfather, then here, and he can not be happy, happy, enjoy your mind. Thus, the monks, if there are others reverence, respect, worship and offerings to the grandfather, then here, and he just thought: "This is what formerly had been known, this is the responsibility we have to do ". Thus, the monks, something neither of the He and He give up. The He quit, will bring happiness, peace and lasting for Mr. Chu, monks, something neither of these he? Chu, monks, not identity of the Mr., abandon identity. He abandoned the colors will bring happiness, peace and long for him. Chu, monks, life is not the Mr., abandon life. He abandoned the life will bring happiness, peace and long for him. Chu, monks, neither of these great grandfather, great abandon. He abandoned the idea will bring happiness, peace and long for him. Chu, monks, neither of these acts He, abandon the practice. He abandoned the practices will bring happiness, peace and long for him. ChuTy-pretentious, not knowledge of the Mr., abandon formula. He abandoned the formula will bring happiness, peace and long for him. Chu, monks, and how do you think? In this Jetavana forest, if someone gathering grass, trees, branches, leaves and burn or do with them as you want, all you think reasonable? He acquiring us, burn us or do to us as you want?
- Buddha, no. Why? Buddha, because it's not ego or the ego is not belonging.
- Also, the monks, something neither of the He and He give up. He abandoned the will to happiness, peace and long for him. Chu, monks, and what is not of the He? Chu, monks, not identity of the Mr., abandon identity. He abandoned the colors will bring happiness, peace and long for him. Chu, monks, life ... (as above) ... Chu, monks thought ... (as above) ... Chu, monks, onions ... Chu, monks, neither of the formula he, abandon formula. He abandoned the formula will bring happiness, peace and long for him.
Chu, monks, such is my law faculty smart, makes manifest, making the breakthrough, making the open market, are eliminated the old cloth wrap. Chu, monks, because law is cleverly I preach, make manifest, making the breakthrough, making the open market, are excluded the ex wrapped canvas, so even the monks, the Arhat level, the cankers took advantage, the chronic practice, work should be done is done, the burden was put down, the ideal was successful property has rid fetters, was freed by right knowledge, this wheel (birth and death) of these people can not be displayed. Chu, monks, as such, is legal ... I cleverly instructors are eliminating old wrapped canvas. Chu, monks, because law is cleverly I preach, is to exclude old wrapped canvas, so the monks who have cut through five lower fetters, are these people you turned into the birth, death here, no longer had to go back into this life nua.Chu monks, such is my approach ... is smart instructor exclude scattered old wound. Chu, monks, because the legal faculty was smart ... I was eliminating the old cloth wrap, so the monks who have rid the three fetters, did for soot greed strategy, then all he First steps into the future, only to this life again will eradicate suffering. Chu, monks, as such, is legal ... I cleverly instructors are eliminating old wrapped canvas. Chu, monks, because the legal faculty was smart ... I was eliminating the old cloth wrap, so the monks do except the three fetters, then all he became a Stream, no longer oppressed beast communication, decision towards enlightenment. Chu, monks, as such, is legal ... I cleverly instructors are eliminating old wrapped canvas. Chu, monks, because our approach is clever preaching ... is eliminating old wrapped canvas, these monks is even the option practice, depending on the credit issue, then all these people will toward enlightenment , monks and monks, such is legal ... I cleverly faculty are excluded from the old cloth wrap. Chu, monks, because law is cleverly I preach, make manifest, making the breakthrough, making the open market, are excluded the ex wrapped canvas, yet just enough so that your faith in me, just enough compassion Dear to Me, all that he is towards the gods.
Exalted such preaching. The monks did rejoice, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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