Friday 1 April 2016

20. AN ECONOMIC shelter

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Level-she-toxic). Here, Bhagavan called the monks: "Chu monks". - "Yes, venerable sir," that yes, monks replied Bhagavan. Bhagavan lecturing as follows:
- Chu, monks, religious, monks want to increase epicardial must often volition in general. What is the year? Here, monks medicine every minister does, volition general public, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field, related to the delusion arises, this time the monks, monks he needed a more general intention to relate to the other generals are not friendly. Thanks to a general volition other related facilities to the other generals, evil evil relate to sexual level, relate to the field, related to eradicate si be, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm. Chu, monks, such as a skilled carpenter or a carpenter disciple, used a small wedge knock out, hit hit, knocked out a different wedge; monks, monks, too, when a medical monks on a public minister, a minister does volition, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field, related to si arise, this time Vassal monks, monks volition that need to contact a minister to charity, not the other generals. Through volition one other minister in relation to charity, the other with the other generals, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field to be linked to eradicate si, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm.
Chu, monks, if the monks did as a minister volition different from the other generals, contacts to good, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field, related to si still arise, this time monks, monks, monks that need to contemplate the dangers of his range: "these are immoral, these Games are guilty, these Games have reported suffering". Thanks to contemplate the dangers of that range, the immoral relation to education level, relate to the field to be linked to eradicate si, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm. Chu, monks, such as a woman or young man, in your youth, nature jewelry preferred if a solid determination, or determining dogs or corpses were wrapped in the neck, he must worry, embarrassed, disgusted. Chu, monks, too, if his monks by observing ... abides inner being, peace, one heart, calm.
Chu, monks, if monks observe that while the danger of that range, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field, related to si still arise, this time tributary billion- monks, the monks did not have recollection, no volition of his reach. Through no recollection, no volition of his range, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field to be linked to eradicate si, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm. Chu, monks, such as the one with the eye, do not want to see the material in his eyes, he closed his eyes and looked aside. Chu, monks, too, if the monks did, while no recollection, not the intention ... is to dwell, peace, one heart, calm.
Chu, monks, if the monks that while no recollection, no volition of that range, the evil, immoral relation to education level, relate to the field, related to si still arise. Chu, monks, the monks that need attending to the practice range and the minister of the Games was residing. Through volition to act and the minister of the range of views that reside, the evil, immoral relation to education level ... is to dwell, peace, one heart, calm. For such a person is walking fast, thinking: "Why do we back away quickly? Let's slow down. " While walking slowly, he thought: "Why do we back away slowly? Let's stop ". While stopped, he thought: "Why should I stop again? Let's sit down. " While sitting, he thought: "Why do we sit back? Let us lie down ". ChuTy monks, so he phased out the most coarse gesture and follow the most subtle gestures. Chu, monks, too, if the monks did volition to ... (as above) ... is calm, one heart, calm.
Chu, monks, if the monks did while volition to act and the minister of dwell range of views, the evil, unwholesome contact ... to the si range still arise, the monks, monks, Billion -kheo had to chatter, fixed on top of the tongue and throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart. Through gritted teeth, tongue glued on top of the throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart, evil evil-related views related to education ... is to eradicate si, go to perdition. .. is to dwell, the most peace of mind, calm. For such a top athlete grabbed a sick person, or seize the role, can conquer, convince, and defeat. Chu, monks, too, if the monks did while volition executive minister of the range and the range was residing, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field, related to si still start up, the monks, monks, monks had to teeth grinding, tongue glued on top of the throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart. Through gritted teeth, tongue glued on top of the throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field to be linked to eradicate si, go to Eliminated. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm.
Chu, monks, if the monks, while he does every minister, any minister volition, evil evil related to education level, relate to the field, related to the delusion arises. Monks was a minister volition, relates to charity, unlike the other generals, the evil, immoral relation to education level, relate to the field, related to ignorance is eradicated, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm.
Monks did, thanks to contemplate the dangers of that range, the evil, immoral relation to education level, relate to the field to be linked to eradicate si, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm.
Monks did, because no recollection, no volition of that range, the evil, immoral relation to education level, relate to the field to be linked to eradicate si, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm.
Monks did volition operating range and dwell Minister of the Games, the evil, immoral relation to education level, relate to the field, related to eradicate si be, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm.
He gritted his teeth, monks, fixed blade on top of the throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart, the evil, immoral relation to education level, relate to the field, related to si be deducted Removal, go to perdition. Thanks to eradicate them, dwell inner being, peace, one heart, calm.
Chu  , monks, monks was called was to dwell in fall practice range. He can work any attention to the views he wants, can not work any attention to the range he does not want; he has cut through craving, freed of the fetters, cleverly conquering arrogance, ended suffering.
Exalted such preaching. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.

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